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The Never Ending Game (Board Game)


Description: <p><img src="https://ne-games.com/assets/front/images/img/board-game1.jpg" class="img-fluid"><strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;"><br></strong></p><p><strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">A BRAND NEW WORD BOARD GAME HAS NOT BEEN INVENTED IN DECADES!</strong><br> <strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">IT HAS NOW! AND FOR UP TO 6 PLAYERS.</strong><br> This word game is totally different in concept from any other word game you will have ever played and challenges the mind in a completely different way which makes it novel and refreshing to play.<br> You can get away from the crossword based games, the word search based games, the “make as many words possible from” based games and genuinely test your knowledge of vocabulary and spelling accuracy in a new fun and challenging word game.<br> The Never Ending Game is also special in that it has four difficulty levels making it suitable for all ages (from an early reading age into really old age) and verbal skill levels. This makes it a wonderful tool for keeping minds (young and old) healthy and active.<br> On top of all this, The Never Ending Game is also highly educational as it naturally increases vocabulary knowledge and promotes accurate spelling. The online game does this by giving the meaning of words as they are revealed to players, young and old.<br><br> <strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">THE BASIC PRINCIPLE</strong><br> Very simply, you take turns playing letters towards making words and you win if you can make your opponent play a letter that “ends” a word, all the while avoiding doing so yourself.<br> The difficulty levels make it possible to play letters in more complicated ways with each level becoming more difficult. The difficulty levels are called easy, medium, expert and genius.<br> It’s a fun game of skill that tests knowledge of English vocabulary and spelling with four levels of difficulty. The levels of difficulty make the game equally fun and challenging for children from an early reading age, through teenagers and up to adults of any standard of English all the way up to the very best of wordsmiths.<br><br> <strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">This also means that the whole family can play together at the same time by choosing a difficulty level that suits.</strong><br> Very simply, you take turns playing letters towards making words and you win if you can make your opponent play a letter that “ends” a word, all the while avoiding doing so yourself.<br> First player to win 8 rounds (or any lesser number chosen) wins the game.<br> Please watch these videos for your information:<br> Easy Level - <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaGMG-Qt3dM">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaGMG-Qt3dM</a><br> Medium Level - <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8OkU9ZppxU">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8OkU9ZppxU</a><br> Expert Level - <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpW4lGbwmSM">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpW4lGbwmSM</a><br> Genius Level - <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkpoiQoNarA">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkpoiQoNarA</a></p>