Our Games Game Details


Description: <p><strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">GRAB – PACK – TRAVEL – PLAY.</strong> Can be squashed into any overnight bag or suitcase or just thrown into the back of the car – no fear of damage. Travel to your destination, then just open it and play on any flat surface – no board needed.<br><br> High speed competitive word game for all ages. All the letters are placed face upwards in the middle of the table. On the word go, you have to dive in and take letters to make words and place them in a pile in front of yourself. When all the tiles have gone, you have to put the letters you have picked out into the words you made if you can remember in the all the excitement! Any unused letters count against you!<br><br> The one with the most letters that made words wins.<br><br> <strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">CAN YOU BE FASTER AND SMARTER THAN YOUR FRIENDS?</strong></p><p><img src="https://ne-games.com/assets/front/images/img/word-grab1.jpg" class="img-fluid"><strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;"><br></strong></p>